
11:40 PM Unknown 0 Comments

by The Beatles

why is it every movie that i've watched has something to do with heartbreak. guy meets girl,guy gets girl,girl dumps guy. OR girl falls in love with guy, guy cheated, girl find something better to do. and some cases guy wants to forget girl, guys found the other girl, girl gets jealous of other girl, guy gets other girl. the last draw for me is watching "Forgetting Sarah Marshall". that was like the big WTF for me. life is like a dark comedy movie that only Sundance audience could except it as a joke of the day.

i'm sort of a blackbird myself huh? taking a pair of broken wings and believe that i could fly.


Done All Wrong

2:43 AM Unknown 3 Comments

by Black Rebel Motorcycle

i don't believe in coincidence,
i don't believe in fate,
i don't believe in soul mate,
i don't believe in labels,
i don't believe in rules,
i don't believe in commitments,
i don't believe in happy endings,
i don't believe in the four letter word...

question : do you believe?


Last Request

1:48 AM Unknown 1 Comments

by Paolo Nutini

Tomorrow i'll wake up knowing that,
there's nobody beside me,
Tomorrow is another day that,
i'm not looking forward to see,
Next week would be the same,
like it was only yesterday,
Sooner or later i'll forget my name,
because apart of me have flown away,
Dawn till dusk, there's nothing for me to wait,
for the kiss so sweet it could linger,
There's only sadness, not a pinch of hate,
a little bit of regret but never anger,
At you who have loved me once,
maybe twice or three,
I beg you please grant my last request,
once you hold me, then i shall set you free....

p/s : inspired by Paolo's song title...


Pork and Beans

10:13 PM Unknown 0 Comments

by Weezer

This video i've seen it couple years ago but never got the chance to share it with. Then it got featured in the Weezer's video clip. It is straight up, fucked up retarded but fun to watch! May i present you, Charlie The Unicorn~!tadaa!!


Love Minus Zero/No Limits

5:14 AM Unknown 2 Comments

by Bob Dylan

Sorry Jazz, i'm still mentally obsessed!huahahaha!!!!!

p/s : i did this out of my randomness obsession towards bobby D. i used water colour paint n i didn't use reference surprisingly! although there is picture similar to mine but believe me, i didnt even use any references. ratings are much appreciated =P