2:30 AM Unknown 1 Comments

by Birdy

It was a series of unfortunate event I would say,
Then we've decided to create a game and started to play,
You were leading and I was catching up,
Not sure who was suppose to be on top,
Somehow rather it became a race,
You were speeding up however I got lost in my own pace,
You've tried to explain the rules and regulation,
I wanted to break it but I made this an exception,
I believed that this time would be different,
Until I started to follow the current,
That rocky river where the waters were rough,
You tried to save me, you thought you were tough,
Nether of us had any clue what we're doing,
Destination is in front of you and you had to keep on going,
You got torn, I was loosing confidence,
You were loosing your balance, I was loosing my patience,
By then I was already at the riverbank,
By then I didn't even care where I've rank,
In this ladder you've always talked to me about,
Nevertheless, you tried to ease all my doubt,
I convinced you that maybe it's not meant to be,
That the future is a mystery that we're unable to see,
Maybe it's time to take a different way,
You told me that I was being too cliche,
"But that's life dear. How hard it is, we'll have to move on,
And do me a favour, do not leave me with a frown"