New Divine

by linkin park
TRANSFORMERS: REVENGE OF THE FALLEN - now they're talkin bout the ancient origins of the autobots n decepticons. the leaders are the primes but one prime turn evil n his name was the fallen. on earth, optimus prime and the gang (more autobots came to help after optimus summoned them) work with the goverment in a top secret mission, fight the remain decepticons that landed on earth and do coverups like they suppose to do. the previous fight between optimus prime and megatron in the city although it happened 2 years ago became a myth (thanks to the power of goverment agents and their toys). sam lead a normal life, preparing for college. mikaela has her own workshop, so they've started a long-webcam-relationship. a piece of the Allspark was found inside of sam's sweater that he wore 2 years ago, it sparked and ancient wording suddenly flashes inside his brain. since then, he realise he had the same situation like his great great grandfather, only he doesnt wear glasses n thoes stuff was stuck inside. PAUSE! not gonna spoil it...ahaha!
i love the fact that the story continues on with decepticons still invaiding, there's more autobots (plus a woman version!) n the whole bang bang. i also like how there's more humour in this movie. the sound effects are great! i like contrasty visualisation, so i'll give creadit to that. it talks bout the importance of brotherhood, and sacrifices to save humanity (are we even human?)n president obama was announced in it! plus, can shia be more hotter?(summore his injury on his left hand are real ppl!) plus plus ms. megan fox on a hot red superbike.
what i didn't like was, i must admit that the cgi was beyond brilliant, but the fight scene between optimus prime n decepticons in the woods was somehow, blurred. doesn't sinc with the lights of the enviroments. and the details are off (except for talking scene)...maybe coz the fight scene was the hardest to create? the editing confuses me. jump cuts n fast cuts to slow mo are all over the place.especially when it involved human scene or talking scene (humans and robots). this has been the one that bothers me since the first transformers. storyline are too compressed or maybe to short. sometimes abit dragged and lots of holes. sexy terminator in transformers? PLUS we go to robotheaven when we die?
(questions that i found in a review that i could agree on) "CONTAINS SPOILERS" Where does Sam's bandage come from? What about his extra sock? Why does Sam's roommate not contribute anything at all? What was the Fallen doing for those thousands of years Megatron was frozen in ice? How does one satellite receive transmissions from everywhere on the planet? Why does Wheelie hump Mikaela's leg? Why do we have to see John Turturro's thong? Why are robots who join together to become Devastator also seen fighting the Army at the same time? Why does the government want only our military fighting Decepticons when our weapons seem unable to make so much as a dent on any of them? Why did the ancient Egyptians build a pyramid around the sun-destroying machines instead of just breaking it? Why is the Matrix of Leadership bigger in the Fallen's hand than in Sam's? And how do Mikaela's pants stay so clean?
p/s: i've went to cineleasure cineplax, there's team of RELA's at the door. no hp allowed inside.blahhh....
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