Girls They Wanna Have Fun

11:11 AM Unknown 0 Comments

by Cory Monteith (original by Cindy Lauper)

I have soo much things to catch on like my reviews! Been watching a few movies as I only manage to get limited free time. But today, I have to let something out of my system.

Dear Cory Monteith, the most lovable actor and charater on Glee has departed from this world on July 13th. Cause of death is yet to be revealed however most people are assuming that he has lost his battle of drug and substance use. It been awhile since I felt like a story like this just hit me straight to the guts. I was surprised when I found out, started checking his tweets which I've checked a day before also googling the news.

Although I have no relation with him and my reaction is like a little fangirl-ish, but I've always been respecting him on how he build up his life from a high school dropout to a major actor.
And I'm not afraid to admit that I am a gleek, I even named my car Rachel Berry. Such a pity for someone whose equally talented and kind-hearted to go at a young age. And Lea. I can't imagine the emotions that she's facing right now. As Finchel was the golden couple of Glee, Monchele was the young golden couple of hollywood. And watching Cory declaring his relationship to Lea Michele on Ellen are just too sweet and heartbreaking at the same time.

RIP Cory Monteith, you will be missed. (1982-2013)

"...he took a midnight train, going anywhere"

will post films review soon. promise!