Man In The Mirror
by michael jackson
what the fuck is wrong with people in this world?why am i so pissed? it's because ever since the news broke out about MJ's death until now, people still talk shit bout him. like, come on! the man is dead, let him lay in peace! what sickens me was when they put up the word pedophile! go to this link, they put MJ's name on the description :
honestly, nobody has proved he was guilty of being one. you can see the way he talks, he was soo gentle and soft spoken but somehow in this cruel world, they thought he was being a homo or something. even in his dying day, people still judging him. the funny part was, even if he was proven innocent, he still gave those bitches who accused him a big fat check. you know why? BECAUSE ONCE APON A TIME, HE USED TO BE THIS LITTLE BOY WHO NEVER HAD A CHANCE IN CHILDHOOD. constantly been pushed to succeed, deep down, he doesn't want any children in this world to feel the same way he did back then. TRAPPED. so, in hope that the kid would have a bright future, he gave the money. like, come on!he has like what, three kids? plus, why do you care soo much how his looks constantly changed? does he used you money for it? he had several surgeries on his nose to make it smaller because he was insecured (the fact that his own father called him 'big nose' as a nickname, come on!what kinda father is that?). then suddenly he turned white despite a skin disease that spreads white spots on to the skin. he had a surgery for it also. SO WHAT?
All i'm saying is that, you guys need to be more human. respect his departure, respect the family's grief, mourn if you will. but please, STOP criticizing him. he's gone, let him be. let us remember the changed that he made, the barrier that he broken, the love that he had spreaded, the hope that he had created. farewell, and thank you...

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