Kekandaku Dimana

5:20 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Ini adalah soundtrack filem pendek tahun akhirku bersama 2 orang rakanku Farhan dan Khuzaimah. lagu ini dicipta oleh Abdul Karim Radzali dan liriknya oleh empunya badan Aisyah Abdullah. terima kasih pada yang hadir tempuh hari...wee!!

aku akan tulis topik dalam segmen bahasa melayu pasar nanti ye...tunggu!!!



5:48 PM Unknown 0 Comments

by Eisley


i was under the impression of the film might be good. it might relate to I Am Sam. so, i went to the cinema with an open mind (like i always do in most movies).

the film opened up with a point of view the life of mentally impaired grown man, Arman (played by Shaheizy Sam). for me the character was very charming and quite difficult to play. and i think Shaheizy really brought the character to life. wasn't your typical character that gave an impression that you should sympathized the person, but to live in his world. Sheila (played by Lisa Surihani) as a fractured heart single mother which i bought the fractured, broken hearted thing because it was all up on her face (kinda reminds me of the character she played back in Lagenda Budak Setan). i'm saying this as a good thing. but the mother part, not so much. maybe she was too young to have a kid that she has no idea how to deal with the whole frenzy of becoming one. she seems awkward (at times) being around her daughter Amy (played by the adorable Mia Sara Nasuha). she should have acted abit childish and not hardheaded because living with a kid your whole life might bring out the kid in you. Haris's (played by Bront Palarae) character was not highlighted in the story although maybe the director had no attention on bringing him up. however, the scene where Haris confronted his supposed future wife and she told him why he was defending a child who's not his own, it caught my attention. i was waiting on a flashback of Haris's life. but it didn't happen. Haris character almost seemed like he has no purposed in the movie at all (although i loved the character Bront played, almost like the only stable character in the film). a lot of the characters was not highlighted. even the mother (played by Kartina Aziz). why does she despised Sheila, can't be just because of their social status. that issue is so 1950's.

technically, i liked the camera movements, the angle and most of the shots were great. i really liked the lighting where Arman was devastated, looking at Amy's picture in his balcony. almost heavens-like. not much of experimenting however nothing made me hurt my eyes either. i really had problems with the sound though. if you wanna do 5.1, do it properly. i was confused whenever there's a voice behind me. sounded so ghostly.

ANYWAYS, I LOVE THE ENDING. by far the best MIG can offer. yep, that's right! MIG.

p/s: some reviews i've read said, do not compare Mia Sara Nasuha with Dakota Fanning in I Am Sam however, Dakota was practically the same age as her at that time. so their ability can be as equal. she has the whole package however needs to be trained more because she has a gift.

p/s: i thought Autisme only occurs on an early age and their symptoms are having problems being social with people and lived in their own world. they should have used a different term. maybe it was just an easy excuse for the mother to explain her child on his weird behavior.

more p/s: audiences were laughing at Arman's behavior after he had his surgery (wearing diapers and all). i thought they were crazy because how can u laugh at a scene that shows a human being is incapable of taking care of himself. this saddens me.


This Is War

4:33 PM Unknown 0 Comments

by 30 Seconds To Mars


honestly speaking, this is the first time i've watched a film directed by SYAMSUL YUSOF. what i can see is that he has a vision of himself on how his film will look like. seems like he wants a certain pattern (or genre) to be marked by his name, same goes like Hitchcock or Francis Ford Coppola. well, i'm looking forwards on what he'll do next. proceed to the film.

this is the kind of film where bloodlines joins a gang and in the end, they have to fight each other. i liked the variety of characters in this film. some, i have mix feelings of. for instance, Malek's character(played by Aaron Aziz) should be all cool and macho, he just got of from jail, serving his time. he should came out as not making himself look big and mighty. and sorry to say mr.director (Syamsul Yusof), is Shark supposed to be chinese? the accent doesn't really work for me and i've known alot of people who has a slang. so i was abit confused throughout the film. i liked Jai (Adyputra), just because he's psychotic and he made me believe he is. just the cigarette-biting-thing is abit distracting. technically, nothing stands out but it's choreography. i'm like seeing a dance move so beautifully, it knock someone's out! alot of the supporting actors were great.

storyline, i didn't really know what to concentrate on, whether the life of the ex-con, or the life of gangsterism. to concern about technical and action sequence perhaps?

this film reminded me too much of a few Hong Kong films like Young and Dangerous. maybe next time we'll have our own style of Malaysian Gangster.

p/s: just a personal opinion. =)


I Wish

1:37 AM Unknown 0 Comments

by Eisley (i've heard the song in their new album and it was AWEsome!!- The Valley)

i've stumbled upon a site where i've stumbled upon THIS. very interesting how-do's on maintaining a relationship (whether the fact that it's keeping the sizzle or even just to have a little reminder). enjoy!!

sincerely, aisyah