The Only Exception

by Paramore
Love has rules, dos and don'ts. whether you want to follow the do or ignore the don't (vice versa), it's your own choice. it's your life after all. however, rules are made to give guidelines of what should a relationship be and how it works. some might think with these simple rules, you can avoid the possibility of an episode of heartbreak. some might think that it's our job to work it and the rest are in god's hands. some might be the exception.
the exception means when a person just blessed with a relationship or a partner that doesn't require hard work just to maintain the only thing every human need, LOVE. like loving your father, mother, sister, brother or even (in some cases) friends. this group requires an open heart to create a bond that will never be broken. being the EXCEPTION is fucking great!
however, this is a very rare case in this uptight world. sadly, i'm not one of them.
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