Bad Reputation

by Joan Jett & The Blackhearts
yey!review post!!
Based on a comic with the same name, it's a story about when a normal world turns abnormal in a way that you've never imagined. no there's no superpower, there's no mutation, there's no radioactive...all those kinds of shits. this is the reality of what's happening here,now! at first i thought it's just another kid-flick (the one Disney usually does), then the cursing started and i was like whoa! the bad guys had to be the mob, who else can they bust the biggest villain ever? there won't be mad scientist or terrorist (thank god there's non coz i'm sick of Americans trying their hardest to promote anti-terrorist. just the way they did it that's all). i can't believe it was Mark Strong who played Frank D'Amico, the godfather. technically better that Ironman 1(sorry to say). my favourite part is a scene where Hit Girl meets Kick-ass and she slashed everybody with those knife sticks (or whatever you called it!). she's kept stabbing everybody and the camera followed her like it was attached to her. however, the first one who got stabbed, the graphic knife that burst through the front chest ain't workin' honey...
i like Dave Lizewski (Aaron Johnson) character, although it's typical nerdy who can't get a girl kinda type but he's crazy, prune to do things that he'll regret later, or literally kill him. and Christopher Mintz-Plasse aka mcluvin? he played the son of the mob Chris D'Amico. Hit girl(Chloe Moretz) is one bad ass, she's like a kid you want to raise one day! (or maybe it's me?) However, the only reason why this movie is a hit it's because of her and Big Daddy (Nicholas Cage)character coz for me they're super cool, their motive is the only thing that moves the story and the bond between father and daughter. what i can say is that despite everything you hear, DO NOT underestimate this movie!
what most of the reviews that i could agree on is that this is Kill Bill meets Superbad, got themselves a baby who popped it's head to kill and curse some more! and it ain't Disney Flick!
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