Close to You

2:11 AM Unknown 0 Comments

by the Carpenters

WHAT do you do when u feel like you wanna get close to that particular person so badly, that you are willing to do anything just to get his attention and to scream the exact truth..I WANT To BE WITH YOU????

some people have different methods to get attention from the person they liked, or most cases, loved. (i'm not gonna give out those methods because you can just simply GOOGLE it!) tons and tons of ways to do it!

but the key is to...




that is the main key, and the rest of the list, GOOGLE it! i'm not a good advisor because whenever i get a crush for someone, i'll be CHICKEN SHIT to tell the truth! however, i'll make sure that i'll have confidence when talking to him(so i wont sweat like a pig and literally wet myself) and be my dorky self. if he liked what he sees, then we are meant for each other!

the end!


Gone Under Sea

4:11 AM Unknown 2 Comments

by Electrelane


(very loooooong review!!omg!)
(MAYBE CONTAIN SPOILERS) Let's talk animation greatness. Let's talk about how James Cameron minds work up to the extent were impossible was only an expression without definition. i shall start with the storyline. i do have in mind that this is another film about saving the world, on becoming a unexpected hero, and the wars along the way. however, i was curious how the storyline works this time. the first scene were Jake Sully's (played by Sam Worthington) brother were murdered after being mugged. this was the first message that James thought us, about human behavior in this so called civilized world. people get killed on the street because of money. similar when they were in Pandora (planet's name), the Na'vi (the natives in Pandora) were manipulated just because they wanted a mineral rock that costs millions of dollars under the Hometree. after they realise that diplomatic (what they like to call it) way won't succeed, they destroy the place and even killed some of the Na'vi. how humane and civilized they were in the name of economy. The faith the Na'vi had with their spiritual God name Eyra is so strong that when Jake tries to follow a native warrior Neytiri home, the seeds of Eyra (what they called it) flies near and rest on Jakes whole body, she instantly thought it was a sign. A big sign. She then decided to bring him to his mother, a spiritual shaman. even when Jake ask to save Grace (played by Sigourney Weaver), the Omaticaya tribe reach out to Eyra at the tree of souls. here we see how faith can bring us together. And love decides to bloom along the way as Jake fells for Neytiri.

Lets talk graphic. Love the cgi and all, kudos to technology capability. like Pandora was real and the creatures did exist. the smoothness of the motion and the reaction of every animated characters are very much believable. i love the scene where Jake's torch were put out and the forest starts to glowed from every part, plus the ground would glow where the characters stepped on it. however, you'll be the judge when you see it. Its only one person's views after all!

Despite the great CGI, i don't really agree on shots that were zoom in most frankly or spy-cam-liked-style. some scene for me was appropriate but some just kills the emotion especially when Jake confronted the tribe. the emotion were suppose to be overwhelmed, not suspense.

p/s : kudos to the Na'vi language. somehow it just appropriate for a native tribe from another planet language. =)

p/s : this post supposed to be out three days ago, but thanks to the PMS net, it got delayed. FYI


I Go

2:23 AM Unknown 3 Comments

by Pete Teo/Aizat

you have no idea how glad i was when i heard couple months ago that Muallaf will finally hit its debut in Malaysia, no cuts on the scene! Sadly, the wonderful director can't be here to see her dream came true at last. i will review without going through the storyline. i will only review on what has it influence me this time because this film has hit the main (and maybe sensitive) thing we could ever think of. BELIEVING IN THE NAME OF THE ALMIGHTY.

(MAYBE CONTAIN SPOILERS): i was amused the 1st time i heard Ana (played by Sharifah Aleysha) screamed 105:1 at her teacher's face. i knew exactly what she meant but being ignorant, i didn't hv any clue what was the meaning actually. i knew it came from the bible because i do read the bible (out of curiosity) at the national library. i was caught off guard because i was questioning myself, why on earth could this kid recite something from the bible? i throw out my prejudgment and focus entirely on the film. and when Brian (played by Brian Yap) refuses to go to church although his mother has been bugging him the whole week about going got me. like something had happened from the past that made him turn himself against religion. my views maybe wrong but i do feel that the main point of the film is that we believe there is a God, despite any religion. there is a God, more superior that humans or any living creature on earth, who created us. never deny the divine power of the creator and the teaches that were thought from the Holy book, either it's the bible, Al-Quran etc. and one more thing me and the film had in common is that in secondary school, people thought i was turning back from my religion just because i knew a bit of other religion besides mine. although i find it interesting actually to know how others function, however it doesn't mean that i don't believe what i should believe!
And lastly, i have no idea what's the fuss about the girls telekung (or prayer clothes). it looked like nuns???i believe nuns have several different kind of clothing. and for me, as long as it covers every part necessary and decent, therefore there's nothing wrong with it! what i see was those telekung with all kinds of beadings, colours etc sold throughout the region. i thought you suppose to keep it simple and modest every time you perform your Solat. well, who am i to judge and SO DOES YOU! i believe the only one who can judge is God and in my case Allah SWT! i'm not that religious but i'm not that dumb either.

p/s: i'll give it a 8/10 for making me realise i never did pay that quite attention to the story behind the Quran. its facinating really. and 3/10 to the ignorant audience, kept on disturbing me with "boleh ke diorng buat camni?" or "ish! teruknye"

p/s 2: i almost forgot! Kudos to Shuk n Abg Pitt on becoming the most 'vicious' gangster ever..hehe!


Autumn's Monologue

5:24 AM Unknown 2 Comments

by From Autumns to Ashes

when i was nineteen, I've lost my father who i barely knew. I've lost my dearest brother at thirteen. to whom knew me well, you'll understand part of my sufferings throughout my entire life. and that, i thank you for giving me the chance to be a part of your life. and that, i would like to share this video.

the first time i saw this, i cried hard. no words to describe it. (this guy's name is Onision, do see his Youtube page after watching this.)


Sentimental Heart

12:30 AM Unknown 0 Comments

by She&Him

do you have a sentimental heart?



8:44 PM Unknown 2 Comments

by Lykke Li

honestly i was a bit impressed by how the results turned out compared to the last film which is TWILIGHT. i wasn't a fan when i watched TWILIGHT but this one, this one is different! from the technical stuff to the storyline. shots are made beautifully, really hit the core of emotions especially when Bella was searching for Edward after he broke up with her. when she fell on the ground and curl herself, camera goes to a closeup. the soundtrack really puts people into the mood! plus, fight scene this time you can say believable. no more unreasonable effects, they're in the right places! and my favorite part was when Bella was miserable and sitting on her chair watching through the window as the seasons gone by. NO MORE CRAZY STEADYCAM SHOTS!ahaha! storyline, i love it how Kristen Stewart got into her character more this time. somehow she's really into this Edward guy, like when you've got yourself a broken heart, you feel as if hundreds of knives are stabbing you like crazy. she definitely showed it! i also like the expression that Edward had when he realized that Bella was alive and she was right in front of him. lastly, i love the part when Jacob said "it's 107 degrees here". cute!

Edward is hot but whats even hotter is Jacobs new buff up biceps! so, are you TEAM EDWARD or TEAM JACOB?

p/s: checkout their soundtracks for a doze of cool, eerie, upbeat tunes...=p


Call it Love!

12:12 AM Unknown 1 Comments

by Tv/Tv

when you waited by the phone, hoping that it rings..
can u call it love?

when you let them having soo much fun, while u sit at home...
can u call it love?

when you let urself be selfish, and let them eat your emotions,
can u call it love?

when it's ok for them, not ok for you..
can u call it love?

when u think that they are the one, but family and friends dont agree...
can u call it love?

when a relationship turns sore, and u still wanna work it out..
can u call it love?

when they dont wanna talk bout it coz they do not want to argue...
can u call it love?

when u forgot ur anniversary and let it slip through the day hoping that they wont notice..
can u call it love?

when they promised something but never happens...
can u call it love?

when you know that your jealous of everything, at the same time dont wanna sound like an idiot...
can you call it love?