My Love
by Sia
DIRECTED BY DAVID SLADE : One thing about this director is that i love HARD CANDY (Ellen Page/Patrick Wilson), how he enhance the character in his story from these wonderful actors. However i have a problem regarding this film. One in particular; Is Bella somewhat mentally challenged or she has a type of nervous breakdown that she can't seem to control. i can 't get over her extreme awkwardness. logically, she has what she wanted and that is Edward Cullen however she's like nervous and all (although Edward is no longer a stranger, duh?), the only chemistry i see is whenever they kissed. it's a very meaningful kiss (obvious rumors) and trust me, i know a kiss when i see it! Edward became this kinda kid-in-a-candy-store-all-the-time-type of guy. and i totally understand that! how he wants Bella to be his wife and how he protects her. and even experience an emotional feeling (other than his lovey dovey adorableness), fear. Jacob however became this tough guy less immature. In the book supposedly shows his lack of emotional control. i donno!
Let's get to the story, i have problem with the editing or maybe how the story flowed. how an action scene, with tearing up limbs and all ends so quickly then the next scene was this slow motion of handsomeness (sorry if i don't make sense to you but if you see this movie and apply what i said, you'll know what i meant). in other words, they changed the emotion too quickly. i have no idea what's wrong with the art department because in the scene where the chief's third wife stabbed herself, i see blood but how on earth could she stab herself without tearing the poncho? or get blood stains on her hand? in other scene where Bella does the same (cut her arm) to save Edward, how could she produced such amount of blood at that instant. the blood flows like water! and where's the wound? inside her sleeve? she should have cut her wrist, easier to produce 'that' much of a blood, enough to distract bloodsuckers (or maybe literally kill herself,however the producers need her for the next movie). in a scene where Jacob were struggling to free himself from a newborn and it crashed his rib, he turned to human wearing pants? he was suppose to be naked however, nude coloured pants were visible at an angle.
Enough of the negative, what i liked about the movie is that i can see the effort to put the whole book inside this movie. i like the change of colour and lighting (especially in the meadow scene), where at some point the sun hits Edward's face and it sparkled. i like how they maintain Bella's scars from both earlier movies, looked realistic. more fight scene and love scenes.(if you're obsessed with Rob Patts, you might bite yourself!) plus, more shirtless dudes! i'll give it a 3/5.
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