The Sound
by The 1975
(Good Vibes Festival : Part 2)
After all the rockin' and screaming, I was excited to see the next act. I've been meaning to see them for quite some time since I've stumbled upon their music video a little over 3 years ago.
I lap you!! |
The 1975 was infront of my eyes. Like, I shit you not! Unfortunately, my foot was not comfortable as I stood on an uneven ground and there's this dude infront of me who wouldn't stop recording the whole show. And I could barely look passed his armpit. And he was soo close to me, that he was not being considerate when he was dancing. You sir, are a major party pooper! Regardless, Matty and of course, the band were awesome!! (*droll)
The next act FFK Malaysia the last time (as it was mentioned that one of the band members were not well on that day), but they're finally here!!
Two Door Cinema Club!!! *faint |
At this point, I felt like I really wanted to faint (like literally). My back was aching and my stomach does not feel good. I was having cold sweat and knew that something wasn't right. I guess, being at a crowded place in a long period of time doesn't give me any good. Plus, the shows were back to back and everyone had to maneuver from one stage to another. Despite it all, I've completed my missionnn!
Day 2
I am sleep deprived at this point! Hey! |
The second day mood was a bit mellow. So, I focused on munching the foods as well as explored the festival.
Wuzz dat? |
My main focus on that day was to see my favourite Australian duo who I've missed their comeback gig when I was travelling to Melbourne last summer (Aussie season).
And they've played beautifully!
G'day Angus and Julia Stone! |
They had couple of audio difficulties at the beginning but they were being cool about it. They sang some of the old ones and the new. And they rocked hard!
Overall, the festival was neat. They had chairs everywhere which was convenient and some fun stuff too! Like games, trampoline, slides and stuff. I missed the temporary tatts provided by the Topshop booth which was a bummer. And the weather was really nice! The ranch was a perfect place for music fest like these! Can't wait for what's in store for next year!
P/s: I saw couple of girls who decided (in their clouded, deluded mind) that taking a leak by the bushes were a good idea. Unfortunately for me, I saw them. And my eyes were effected for couple of days. Be civilized people!
*disclaimer : I only cover the main bands/performance that I intended to see. Overall, every bands that played were great!
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